Nova – Issues to Note


There are some strange issues in Nova that are tricky to track down, and try to fix. They’re tricky because they don’t happen very often, or only happen when there is a certain set of (probably avoidable) steps which have been taken.


These are issues that we will eventually put effort into tracking down, to ensure our product is of the highest quality. Right now though, we’ve got bigger things to address, so we’re not going to hunt down those bugs right now. Instead, we’re going to describe them here, in case you encounter them and need an explanation.

Note: Information on this page can be sent to a customer if required – use your judgement. Do not send the whole list.

Configurable chart widget sometimes allows mandatory fields to be skipped

(83915) When using the Configurable Widget, there are some situations and some datasources where you can click ‘ok’ to accept the configuration, but a required field is missing. It leads to the chart not displaying successfully. So, when using the configurable widget ensure that all of the configuration is completed.

For example, in this screenshot, the category selection has not been made, but, the ‘ok’ button is available:

Configurable chart widget doesn't support 'gauge' chart type

(83914) When using the Configurable Widget on a dashboard, there are many chart types that can be selected including the gauge chart type. This type doesn’t work, and will give an error as shown below:

Roles and widgets

(81999) Some widgets are available when you might think that the role that the user holds would prevent that. For example the Mail Traffic Overview widget. This is a Radar/Reporting widget, and people with the Radar Classic Role can see the widget.  However people who have the Autopilot Classic Role can also see this widget.

In other words the Autopilot Classic Role can be seen to give you access to DPC, but it doesn’t prevent you from accessing Radar/Reporting data.

Datasources and chart-type mixtures

(83912) Some datasources and chart types don’t mix too well together and lead to strange results. For example:

You can see that the same site is listed multiple times, that’s because the datasource used here  holds historic data over time. The datasource in this situation is SharePoint Site Usage.

Other examples will be added here.

Information on this page will be duplicated to the partner portal so that partners delivering and using our solution are aware.