Cloud Commander – Create Own App – Registration of UI Authentication Application

This process is used to define who has access to the Cloud Commander User Interface.

Registration of UI Authentication Application

UI Frontend

Go to Azure Portal [], navigate to Azure Active Directory -> App registrations and click New application registration.

Name: Cloud Commander frontend (change to suit your environment)

Supported account types: Accounts in this organization directory only

Redirect URI: https://qt-cc-<FILL> (URL is based on your parameter.json file)

Application Roles

Next you have to edit the application manifest:

Replace tag “appRoles: [],” with:

"appRoles": [
    "allowedMemberTypes": [
    "displayName": "Cloud Commander Operator",
    "id": "2089bb36-a47e-46b9-9104-9857a241027a",
    "isEnabled": true,
    "description": "Cloud Commander Operator",
    "value": "CCOperator"
    "allowedMemberTypes": [
    "displayName": "Cloud Commander Admin",
    "id": "d1c2ade8-98f8-45fd-aa4a-6d06b947c66f",
    "isEnabled": true,
    "description": "Cloud Commander Admin",
    "value": "CCAdmin"
    "allowedMemberTypes": [
    "displayName": "Cloud Commander Reader",
    "id": "c20e145e-5459-4a6c-a074-b942bbd4cfe1",
    "isEnabled": true,
    "description": "Cloud Commander Reader",
    "value": "CCReader"

The GUIDs in the ID Section are Random Identifiers. You can copy and paste this exactly.

The result after the save should look like this:

Single Sign On

Go to managed application in local directory by clicking on the “Managed application in local directory” link:

Enable ‘User assignment required‘:

Note: Don’t forget to enable ID Token, otherwise you will get an unauthorized error on UI startup

Return to the Application Registration Page to make this setting change:

Single Sign On

Go to managed application in the local directory:

Assign users and groups into Cloud Commander roles (add your Azure login as an Admin):